Outdoor Cat TNR

Jefferson County, Kentucky

Free resources via a structured scheduling and intake process

Click here to learn more and request appointment online: Programs - Alley Cat Advocates | Trap-Neuter-Release and Volunteer Services for Greater Louisville, KY

Alley Cat Advocates works with many nearby counties for low-cost services, usually around $40

Nelson County, Kentucky

Fill out their Free Roaming Cat Program form to get started: Free-Roaming Cat Program | Pallet Cat Foundation

Bullitt County, Kentucky

Call to schedule appointment with Bullitt Co Animal Control and Shelter: 502-543-8686

*Their trap/neuter/return program is called RTF “return to field”, you must have a pre-scheduled intake appointment

Drop off at shelter on Monday of scheduled intake, pick up a few days later: 545 Clermont Road, Shepherdsville, KY 40165

Cat must be in TNR style trap, no exceptions

Fee is $40 per cat, maximum 2 cats at a time

Lexington, Kentucky

Fayette, Madison, Jessamine, Woodford, Scott, Bourbon, and Clark counties

Appointments — Spay Our Strays

Outdoor Cat Basic Care

  • TNR- Get them fixed and vaccinated

  • Shelter- A place to be warm in winter, shade in summer

  • Fresh Water

  • Food


  • What is TNR? It is an organized, humane way to reduce cat overpopulation and protect them from common viruses.

    • The T is for trap: Outdoor cats are savvy creatures. Unless the cat be handled it must be trapped so it can be safely transported to the vet.

    • N is for neuter: Getting a cat “fixed” helps with both overpopulation and reduces aggression.

    • And very important, the R is for return: It is important to return the cat to familiar surroundings as soon as safely possible. TNR is not a substitute or intake for shelters or adoption facilities.

  • Is TNR for indoor cats?

    • These services are designed, and funded, specifically for outdoor cats.

  • Why are TNR cats missing part of their ear?

    • This helps clearly identify which cats have received care.

  • What if the cat is super friendly?

    • If you think the cat has adoption potential, call a few local animal foundations/rescues to see if they have room.

  • Why do they have to be in such a specific trap?

  • How do I get started?

    • If you’re in Louisville visit the Alley Cat Advocates website

    • Outside of Louisville, call your local animal control office for their process. Please be patient with them, as they have a tough job with limited resources.